Usa RE-ART e la tua fantasia per creare disegni di tutti i generi.Questa applicazione trasforma il telefono o tablet in tavoletta per ricopiare tanti disegni.
-Scegli il disegno.
-Appoggia un foglio di carta sopra il telefono o tablet.
-Con una matita copiare l'immaggine
Puoi usare più immagini e creare i personaggi come vuoi tu.Libera la fantasia e divertiti
Use RE-ART and your imagination to create drawings of all kinds. This application turns your phone or tablet into a tablet to copy many designs. -Choose the design. - Place a sheet of paper over the phone or tablet. - With a pencil, copy the image You can use multiple images and create characters the way you want it. Free your imagination and have fun
Use RE-ART and your imagination to create drawings of all kinds. This application turns your phone or tablet into a tablet to copy many designs.
-Choose the design.
- Place a sheet of paper over the phone or tablet.
- With a pencil, copy the image
You can use multiple images and create the characters as you want. Create fantasy and have fun
Use RE-ART and your imagination to create drawings of all kinds. This application turns your phone or tablet into a tablet to copy many designs. -Choose the design. - Place a sheet of paper over the phone or tablet. - With a pencil, copy the image Free your imagination and have fun